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Digitale Produkte und Services

Digitalen Vorsprung nutzen: mit OPTIMA IPAS

Inhalte auf dieser Seite
Inhalte auf dieser Seite

Intelligent Production Assistance Services – kurz IPAS. Das sind digitale Lösungen, die Sie effektiv darin unterstützen, Ihre Produktion weiter zu optimieren. Mit IPAS haben Sie jederzeit den vollen Überblick über Ihre Prozesse und die jeweilige Anlage, erkennen Verbesserungspotenziale und erhalten bei Bedarf schnell und direkt Unterstützung. 

Aber das ist bei Weitem nicht alles: Digitale Technologien beschleunigen bereits im Projekt das Engineering sowie die Abstimmungs- und Freigabeprozesse. Und sorgen so für eine drastisch verbesserte Time-to-Market!

Dos hombres trabajando en una máquinaDos hombres trabajando en una máquina
Direkte Unterstützung in jeder Situation Clevere Assistenzsysteme von OPTIMA

Vom Formatwechsel an der Maschine bis zur Herausforderung im Prozess: Wenn schnelle Hilfe gefragt ist, unterstützt Sie unser Service mit digitalen Tools. Direkt an der Maschine, weltweit. Mobiles Endgerät genügt.

Welche Unterstützung darf es sein?
  • Remote connect
  • Remote assist
  • Video call
  • Changeover assist
  • Changeover scan
  • Alarm assist
El empleado utiliza un Asistente Remoto
Remote connect

Whether it's VPN remote maintenance or audio-visual consultation directly to the machine, our service experts are there for you and will work with you to find the resolution to your issue.

  • Remote maintenance access via VPN
  • Audiovisual link to service
  • Use of smartphone, tablet or hololens
Mujer delante de un portátil
Remote assist

Optima systems and machines are known for their extremely low downtime. However, if things do go wrong, we provide rapid assistance with Remote Assist. Errors can often be corrected immediately online. That makes a major contribution to your productivity and efficiency in the long term.

  • Online troubleshooting
  • No need to install any software
  • Can be done on any end user device
  • Rapid, efficient assistance
Hombre con cámara en la cabeza ante una máquina
Video call

The most efficient way has always been via a direct line. We create this by using a video connection between you and our service team. This means everyone can see what is being talked about and worked on.

  • Audiovisual link to service
  • Rapid, efficient assistance
  • Can be done on any end user device
Hombre utilizando un servicio digital de Optima en su tablet
Changeover assist

We are there to guide you rapidly and securely through format changes. Step-by-step instructions simplify restarts and minimize downtime.

  • Guided format changes
  • Increase system availability
  • Standardized processes
  • Support for untrained personnel
Un hombre escanea un código en una pieza de una máquina con un escáner
Changeover scan

The fast, sure way of identifying and selecting the right part when switching formats. Just scan the code and follow the step-by-step instructions to reduce machine downtime and product losses.

  • Safe format changeover
  • Increase system availability
  • Faster staff induction
Persona sosteniendo una tableta y reparando una máquina
Alarm assist

If an alarm sounds, Operation Support guides machine operators quickly and directly to the source of the error, and provides them with the information they need. This means that problems are rapidly dealt with and you are back in production as rapidly as possible.

  • High level of availability due to rapid identification of errors
  • Visualization of documents for troubleshooting

Welche Unterstützung darf es sein?

Remote connect
El empleado utiliza un Asistente Remoto

Whether it's VPN remote maintenance or audio-visual consultation directly to the machine, our service experts are there for you and will work with you to find the resolution to your issue.

  • Remote maintenance access via VPN
  • Audiovisual link to service
  • Use of smartphone, tablet or hololens
More about remote support
Remote assist
Mujer delante de un portátil

Optima systems and machines are known for their extremely low downtime. However, if things do go wrong, we provide rapid assistance with Remote Assist. Errors can often be corrected immediately online. That makes a major contribution to your productivity and efficiency in the long term.

  • Online troubleshooting
  • No need to install any software
  • Can be done on any end user device
  • Rapid, efficient assistance
More about remote support
Video call
Hombre con cámara en la cabeza ante una máquina

The most efficient way has always been via a direct line. We create this by using a video connection between you and our service team. This means everyone can see what is being talked about and worked on.

  • Audiovisual link to service
  • Rapid, efficient assistance
  • Can be done on any end user device
More about remote support
Changeover assist
Hombre utilizando un servicio digital de Optima en su tablet

We are there to guide you rapidly and securely through format changes. Step-by-step instructions simplify restarts and minimize downtime.

  • Guided format changes
  • Increase system availability
  • Standardized processes
  • Support for untrained personnel
More about operation services
Changeover scan
Un hombre escanea un código en una pieza de una máquina con un escáner

The fast, sure way of identifying and selecting the right part when switching formats. Just scan the code and follow the step-by-step instructions to reduce machine downtime and product losses.

  • Safe format changeover
  • Increase system availability
  • Faster staff induction
More about operation services
Alarm assist
Persona sosteniendo una tableta y reparando una máquina

If an alarm sounds, Operation Support guides machine operators quickly and directly to the source of the error, and provides them with the information they need. This means that problems are rapidly dealt with and you are back in production as rapidly as possible.

  • High level of availability due to rapid identification of errors
  • Visualization of documents for troubleshooting
More about operation services
Dos empleados de Optima trabajan en una máquina con ayuda de unas gafas de realidad virtual.Dos empleados de Optima trabajan en una máquina con ayuda de unas gafas de realidad virtual.
Für maximale Anlagenverfügbarkeit Unterstützung bei der Wartung durch OPTIMA

Nutzen Sie digitale Leistungen für maximale Anlagenverfügbarkeit. Ob Preventive Maintenance mit permanenter Überwachung des Maschinenzustands. Oder Predictive Maintenance mit frühzeitigem Erkennen des Wartungsbedarfs.

Womit dürfen wir Sie weiterbringen?
  • Maintenance guidance WEmaintain
  • Maintenance manager
  • Condition monitoring
  • Predictive maintenance
Un hombre repara una máquina con ayuda de una tableta
Maintenance guidance WEmaintain

Our maintenance software is the smart alternative to maintenance scheduled at rigid, time-based intervals, because WEmaintain knows that what really counts is the individual machine cycle. This means that maintenance tasks such as cleaning, greasing or servicing are carried out neither too early nor too late, just right on time.

  • Individual maintenance plan
  • No installation required
  • User-friendly
Empleado con una tableta en una máquina
Maintenance manager

Plan your maintenance schedule well in advance and get the spare parts packages required from Optima right when you need them.

Step by step digital instructions quickly and safely guide you through the maintenance process.

  • Simple maintenance management
  • Standardized maintenance documentation
  • Optimization of the maintenance strategy
Dos personas delante de una máquina con una tableta en la mano
Condition monitoring

Our software tools are constantly monitoring your system, and will alert you to the beginnings of wear and tear on parts early on. That means you can carefully plan maintenance work with the right amount of advance notice.

  • Complete control and maximum security
  • Downtime is minimized
  • Maintenance work scheduling
Dos hombres durante el mantenimiento con dos tabletas en una máquina
Predictive maintenance

Replace parts only when necessary, thereby minimizing maintenance costs. That is what we call predictive maintenance. Continuous live data analysis identifies parts that are subject to wear. This ensures that the service life is optimally utilised and spare parts can be sourced just in time.

  • Maximum use of component lifetime
  • Just-in-time planning for replacement parts
  • No warehousing costs for spare parts
  • Efficient processes

Womit dürfen wir Sie weiterbringen?

Maintenance guidance WEmaintain
Un hombre repara una máquina con ayuda de una tableta

Our maintenance software is the smart alternative to maintenance scheduled at rigid, time-based intervals, because WEmaintain knows that what really counts is the individual machine cycle. This means that maintenance tasks such as cleaning, greasing or servicing are carried out neither too early nor too late, just right on time.

  • Individual maintenance plan
  • No installation required
  • User-friendly
More about maintenance services
Maintenance manager
Empleado con una tableta en una máquina

Plan your maintenance schedule well in advance and get the spare parts packages required from Optima right when you need them.

Step by step digital instructions quickly and safely guide you through the maintenance process.

  • Simple maintenance management
  • Standardized maintenance documentation
  • Optimization of the maintenance strategy
More about maintenance services
Condition monitoring
Dos personas delante de una máquina con una tableta en la mano

Our software tools are constantly monitoring your system, and will alert you to the beginnings of wear and tear on parts early on. That means you can carefully plan maintenance work with the right amount of advance notice.

  • Complete control and maximum security
  • Downtime is minimized
  • Maintenance work scheduling
More about maintenance services
Predictive maintenance
Dos hombres durante el mantenimiento con dos tabletas en una máquina

Replace parts only when necessary, thereby minimizing maintenance costs. That is what we call predictive maintenance. Continuous live data analysis identifies parts that are subject to wear. This ensures that the service life is optimally utilised and spare parts can be sourced just in time.

  • Maximum use of component lifetime
  • Just-in-time planning for replacement parts
  • No warehousing costs for spare parts
  • Efficient processes
More about maintenance services
Tres hombres mirando una tabletaTres hombres mirando una tableta
Die richtige Information, zur richtigen Zeit, an jedem Ort Wissenstransfer mit OPTIMA

Digitale Services machen Wissen zu jeder Zeit am richtigen Ort verfügbar. Sei es zur Schulung der Anwender, im Rahmen von virtuellen Engineering-Prozessen oder als smarte Informationsbibliothek für Ersatzteile.

An alles gedacht
  • 3D Explorer
  • Information library
  • Smart instructions
  • Video instructions
  • Train the trainer
  • Virtual design review
  • Virtual FAT
Hombre con una tableta en las manos
3D Explorer

The 3D Explorer is part of myOptima, your platform for all Optima's digital service-based products and offerings. Using a 3D model of the machine, you can easily find the part you are looking for with all the key information. It only takes a few clicks, and a package with the contents you requested is on its way to you.

  • Comprehensive information about all components
  • Significant time savings in identifying parts
  • The smart way of requesting parts
Dos empleados trabajan con un portátil
Information library

Use our digital library to identify and order the parts you need from Optima Service faster than ever before. It means you will always benefit from the most up-to-date information. Circuit diagrams, format change instructions and technical documents are also provided as links.

  • Save time identifying and ordering parts
  • Retrieve important information with ease
  • Parts information is always up to date
  • Comprehensive support for your staff
Centro de Innovación Digital
Smart instructions

The fast, efficient way to acquaint your personnel with all the features of your system. With simulations and instructional videos, it's easier to get up and running. They save time, help to avoid mistakes, and give your staff a sense of achievement.

  • Time saved during training
  • Quick and intuitive overview
  • Happy employees
  • Detailed instructions
Dos empleados de Optima con tableta y gafas de realidad aumentada delante de una máquina
Video instructions

Our video tutorials are easy to understand and follow, and they familiarise your workforce with various subjects and work steps.

  • Zero adjustment guide
  • Repair tutorials
  • Operating instructions
  • Safety instructions
  • Troubleshooting guide
Hombre sentado en una mesa delante de un portátil
Train the trainer

Are you worried about losing capacity when too many workers go on a training course at the same time? Our proven training methods prepare individual representatives to be fit to gradually train their colleagues in-house.

  • Minimized staff deployment
  • One-on-one coaching sessions for maximum focused learning and understanding
  • Digital access to all documents and videos created during training in the myOptima Information Library
Hombre frente al muro VR
Virtual design review

This enables us to simulate key processes long before your machine is built, and identify any optimization requirements. Adjustments at an early stage minimize costs and shorten time-to-market. Acceptance can also be done and documented virtually.

  • Optimal integration into production
  • Time savings in the project phase
  • Savings on travel costs
Prueba de aceptación en fábrica virtual
Virtual FAT

Acceptance can be done remotely too. You can be there via livestream when we carry out the Factory Acceptance Test at our plant. Here, all the details and processes are captured from different angles, and all your questions get immediate answers.

  • The FAT is broadcast live
  • You can choose from four options
  • Unlimited number of participants

An alles gedacht

3D Explorer
Hombre con una tableta en las manos

The 3D Explorer is part of myOptima, your platform for all Optima's digital service-based products and offerings. Using a 3D model of the machine, you can easily find the part you are looking for with all the key information. It only takes a few clicks, and a package with the contents you requested is on its way to you.

  • Comprehensive information about all components
  • Significant time savings in identifying parts
  • The smart way of requesting parts
More about operation services
Information library
Dos empleados trabajan con un portátil

Use our digital library to identify and order the parts you need from Optima Service faster than ever before. It means you will always benefit from the most up-to-date information. Circuit diagrams, format change instructions and technical documents are also provided as links.

  • Save time identifying and ordering parts
  • Retrieve important information with ease
  • Parts information is always up to date
  • Comprehensive support for your staff
More about operation services
Smart instructions
Centro de Innovación Digital

The fast, efficient way to acquaint your personnel with all the features of your system. With simulations and instructional videos, it's easier to get up and running. They save time, help to avoid mistakes, and give your staff a sense of achievement.

  • Time saved during training
  • Quick and intuitive overview
  • Happy employees
  • Detailed instructions
Video instructions
Dos empleados de Optima con tableta y gafas de realidad aumentada delante de una máquina

Our video tutorials are easy to understand and follow, and they familiarise your workforce with various subjects and work steps.

  • Zero adjustment guide
  • Repair tutorials
  • Operating instructions
  • Safety instructions
  • Troubleshooting guide
Train the trainer
Hombre sentado en una mesa delante de un portátil

Are you worried about losing capacity when too many workers go on a training course at the same time? Our proven training methods prepare individual representatives to be fit to gradually train their colleagues in-house.

  • Minimized staff deployment
  • One-on-one coaching sessions for maximum focused learning and understanding
  • Digital access to all documents and videos created during training in the myOptima Information Library
More about trainings
Virtual design review
Hombre frente al muro VR

This enables us to simulate key processes long before your machine is built, and identify any optimization requirements. Adjustments at an early stage minimize costs and shorten time-to-market. Acceptance can also be done and documented virtually.

  • Optimal integration into production
  • Time savings in the project phase
  • Savings on travel costs
Virtual FAT
Prueba de aceptación en fábrica virtual

Acceptance can be done remotely too. You can be there via livestream when we carry out the Factory Acceptance Test at our plant. Here, all the details and processes are captured from different angles, and all your questions get immediate answers.

  • The FAT is broadcast live
  • You can choose from four options
  • Unlimited number of participants
Dos empleados con una tableta delante de una máquinaDos empleados con una tableta delante de una máquina
Verbesserungspotenziale erkennen und nutzen Der intelligentere Produktionsablauf mit OPTIMA

Smarte Software-Tools sorgen für Transparenz in Ihrer Produktion und machen Verbesserungspotenziale sichtbar. Von der Datenanalyse über das Datenmanagement bis hin zur Überwachung ganzer Produktionslinien. Für eine höhere Anlageneffektivität und -verfügbarkeit.

Da steckt Potenzial drin
  • OPAL process management
  • Video monitoring
  • Data analytics
Tres personas en un salón de actos frente a una tableta
OPAL process management

Within Optima's Line Management System, the OPAL process management system captures important production data, and generates key figures based on this. These then provide the best basis for optimizing production processes in a targeted way. The results include higher production quality, higher productivity, shorter machine downtime, and optimal use of production capacities.

  • Customized modular design
  • Numerous extension modules
  • Option of linking to ERP/MES systems
  • Key figures for optimized production
Un grupo frente al panel de control de una máquina
Video monitoring

Use successful data management to create the foundation for vital analytics. This includes secure data collection, tracking individual products, and identifying trends. Carry out video-monitoring of your processes and analyze machine downtimes in detail.

  • Easy production monitoring
  • Trend recognition
  • Rapid fault analysis
  • Process analysis
  • Possible to do at high speeds
Dos hombres durante el mantenimiento con dos tabletas en una máquina
Data analytics

Optimizing system efficiency. You will receive precise recommendations for the action to be taken to optimize your production, based on your machine data, and sound analytics.

  • High quality production data analysis
  • Concrete recommended courses of action
  • Best possible optimization of your production
  • Increase system availability

Da steckt Potenzial drin

OPAL process management
Tres personas en un salón de actos frente a una tableta

Within Optima's Line Management System, the OPAL process management system captures important production data, and generates key figures based on this. These then provide the best basis for optimizing production processes in a targeted way. The results include higher production quality, higher productivity, shorter machine downtime, and optimal use of production capacities.

  • Customized modular design
  • Numerous extension modules
  • Option of linking to ERP/MES systems
  • Key figures for optimized production
More about process & efficiency analytics
Video monitoring
Un grupo frente al panel de control de una máquina

Use successful data management to create the foundation for vital analytics. This includes secure data collection, tracking individual products, and identifying trends. Carry out video-monitoring of your processes and analyze machine downtimes in detail.

  • Easy production monitoring
  • Trend recognition
  • Rapid fault analysis
  • Process analysis
  • Possible to do at high speeds
More about process & efficiency analytics
Data analytics
Dos hombres durante el mantenimiento con dos tabletas en una máquina

Optimizing system efficiency. You will receive precise recommendations for the action to be taken to optimize your production, based on your machine data, and sound analytics.

  • High quality production data analysis
  • Concrete recommended courses of action
  • Best possible optimization of your production
  • Increase system availability
Benjamin Häfner
Would you like to know more about digitalization opportunities with Optima, and the specific added value for you? We'd be pleased to help.
Benjamin Häfner
Director Industrial IT
Benjamin Häfner
Benjamin Häfner
Director Industrial IT
+49 791 506-1992 Write e-mail
© 2024 OPTIMA. All rights reserved.
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