The company's future

Corporate sustainability

Sustainable packaging and technologies are key pillars of our "We care for tomorrow" sustainability strategy. This is underpinned by the "Corporate Sustainability" area - the the entire company's consistently sustainable direction, based on three principles social, economic and ecological.In this, we take our lead from the UN Global Compact, the world's largest and most important initiative in the area of sustainable, responsible corporate governance. We are setting clear targets: we want to:

  • make a contribution to the quality of life
  • reduce consumption of resources
  • reduce our ecological footprint
  • motivate our partners too to move towards sustainability

Dr. Stefan König
Dr. Stefan König, Managing Director, OPTIMA packaging group GmbH

Our common goal is to make major contributions to protecting the climate in the short term, and to be comprehensively excellent in terms of the environment, social issues and corporate governance in the medium term.

Dr. Stefan König, Managing Director, OPTIMA packaging group GmbH
An overview of corporate sustainability
  • Personnel
  • Commitment and society
  • Management
  • The environment and climate
Four people in front of a machine with laptop
  • Human rights and fair working conditions
  • Health protection and safety in the workplace
  • Personnel development and retention
  • Global cooperation and diversity
Schwaebisch-Hall Unicorns vs. Ravensburg-Razorbcks
Commitment and society
  • Global sustainability initiatives and voluntary commitments
  • Work in associations and partnerships
  • Donations and sponsorship
Hans Bühler at the lectern
  • Sustainable growth and stability
  • Compliance and fighting corruption
  • Corporate governance
  • Corporate security and risk management
Sustainability center in the middle of a green landscape
The environment and climate
  • A comprehensive approach
  • In accordance with GHG protocol
  • Vision Zero emissions

An overview of corporate sustainability

Four people in front of a machine with laptop
  • Human rights and fair working conditions
  • Health protection and safety in the workplace
  • Personnel development and retention
  • Global cooperation and diversity
Commitment and society
Schwaebisch-Hall Unicorns vs. Ravensburg-Razorbcks
  • Global sustainability initiatives and voluntary commitments
  • Work in associations and partnerships
  • Donations and sponsorship
Hans Bühler at the lectern
  • Sustainable growth and stability
  • Compliance and fighting corruption
  • Corporate governance
  • Corporate security and risk management
The environment and climate
Sustainability center in the middle of a green landscape
  • A comprehensive approach
  • In accordance with GHG protocol
  • Vision Zero emissions
Group of people in meeting roomGroup of people in meeting room
An important component of corporate sustainability

No half-measures: the OPTIMA environmental and climate strategy

The starting point for climate protection measures is the calculation of the Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF). The correct accounting of greenhouse gasses was verified by TÜV Süd in accordance with the internationally recognized ISO 14064 standard and the GHG Protocol model.

Sustainability emissions graphic
Optima's path to carbonreduction at a glance. The carbon footprint should drop by another 25 percent by 2030

On a lean footing

We have been sourcing green electricity since 2009, and have already managed to reduce the company's operational carbon footprint by 40 percent by taking extra measures. A further package of measures will reduce this by an additional 25 percent by 2030. Increasing energy and resource efficiency at selected locations and expanding sustainable mobility are important cornerstones for this.

Graphic sustainability CO2 emissions
Recording and calculating the details of carbonemissions forms the basis for reducing them. We also explicitly include scope 3 emissions
When it comes to the goal of preventing carbonemissions, no area is excluded from the equation
Sustainability center in the middle of a green landscape
Environmental issues
Sustainability center in the middle of a green landscape

Developing sustainable machine and packaging solutions

  • Reducing Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) in the manufacturing phase
  • Development of sustainable packaging solutions for a functioning circular economy

Energy-efficient buildings

  • Use of regeneratively produced heat and geothermal energy since 2009
  • Green electricity from certified hydropower since 2009
  • Photovoltaic systems
  • LED lighting
  • Ventilation with heat recovery systems
  • Presence-controlled lighting in the workplace
  • Energy efficient systems on our customers' sites
  • Reduction of the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) in the utilization phase
Environmental issues

Holistic approach to environmental issues

  • Reduction of water consumption
  • Waste prevention
  • Environmental management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001
  • Promoting biodiversity through natural meadows
Team Sustainability
Do you have questions concerning our sustainability strategy, or would you like to discuss your specific requirements with us?
Team Sustainability
+49 791 506-0 corporate.sustainability@optima-packaging.comEscrever e-mail
Team Sustainability
Team Sustainability
Three Optima employees
Do you have questions concerning our sustainability strategy, or would you like to discuss your specific requirements with us?
Team Sustainability
© 2024 OPTIMA. All rights reserved.
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