
Starting signal for the new trainees at OPTIMA

The new OPTIMA trainees on a trip to Stuttgart.

We would like to warmly welcome 34 trainees and eleven students from the dual university and wish them all a good start in their professional life and an instructive training and study period.
The following apprenticeships are represented this year:

  • Industrial mechanic
  • Electronics technicians for automation technology
  • Cutting machine operator
  • Mechatronics engineer
  • Technical Product Designer
  • IT specialist for system integration
  • Warehouse logistics specialist
  • Industrial clerk with additional IWM qualification
  • Industrial clerk
  • Dual studies in business informatics
  • Dual degree in electrical engineering
  • Dual study of mechanical engineering
Comunicado de imprensa
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Denise Fiedler and Julia Völker
Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us.
Denise Fiedler and Julia Völker
Team Group Communication
+49 791 506-1472 pr-group@optima-packaging.comEscrever e-mail
Denise Fiedler and Julia Völker
Denise Fiedler and Julia Völker
Team Group Communication
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